German grammar and writing course in Berlin

In the Grammar and Writing course at the deutSCHule in Berlin, you will learn two things: how to dissect sentences and how to write short texts. After a short time you will be able not only to speak German, but to understand it. And in the end, you will be so far advanced that you will be able to contemplate a B2 course calmly and relaxed. What more could one ask?
So, if you are looking for a German grammar course in Berlin, or searching for a special course in the German written expression, you don’t have to look any further: the Grammar and Writing course at the deutSChule in Berlin-Neukölln is spot on!
Just sit back, relax, and keep reading. This page will inform you about the following:
- The details. What the German Grammar and Writing course at the deutSCHule in Berlin is all about.
- Why you should attend the German grammar course in Berlin. Three reasons for taking the Grammar and Writing course in Berlin.
- German grammar is boring. A myth.
- How much does the Berlin Grammar and Writing course cost?
Information about our Grammar & Writing Course
Course Times
1. The details
Let’s be honest, what comes to your mind when you hear expressions like “Grammar Course Berlin” or “Writing Course Berlin”? Do you already have a clear idea of what the German Grammar and Writing course at the deutSCHule in Berlin is all about? Like, hmm, really? Or is your notion of this course still somewhat blurry and vague? If so, you will like this section because here we will provide you with all the details: everything you want to know about our German Grammar and Writing course in Berlin.
This German course is different from the courses your parents may have attended, because in the Grammar and Writing course at the deutSCHule you will learn how to use two methods that will revolutionise your command of the German language.
The first method is the famed “Satzgliedanalyse” or sentence element analysis. Behind this pompous name is the breaking down of sentences into their constituent parts. One of the best-known parts – or “Satzgliedern”, as the sentence elements are affectionately called by Germanists all over the world and also in Berlin – is the “Prädikat” or predicate that determines the structure of the sentence and holds it together. The sentence elements also include the “Ergänzungen” or complements, which together with the predicate form a complete sentence, as well as the “Angaben” or indications, which contain further information.
Each sentence can be broken down into its constituent parts. This is especially useful if you want to get a clear notion of the thought that the sentence represents in a sensual way.
German grammar and writing!
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2. Why you should attend the Grammar and Writing course in Berlin
Three reasons for taking the German grammar course in Berlin
“Okay”, you say, “so now I know what the German grammar course in Berlin is all about. But I’m not yet sure why I should attend this Grammar and Writing course at the Neuköllner deutSCHule in Berlin. Now speak straight! Why should I do that?”
Basically for three reasons. The first is:
- Because you practice procedures that are essential for anyone learning German.
We have already talked about what the German grammar course in Berlin is all about. And the fact that sentence element analysis and writing short texts are infinitely important is obvious to anyone who has ever tried to learn a foreign language. So nobody can doubt that the course “Grammar and Writing” offered by the deutSCHule in Neukölln is very, very useful.
Which brings us to the second reason why you should attend the course:
- Because after taking this German Grammar and Writing course you will not only know German, but also understand it.
To follow the rules that make up correct German is basically something anyone can do. The German written expression can also be learned in such a way that it can be produced mechanically. But to understand German, to really understand it – that is something completely different! For this reason, too, you should take part in the German grammar course at the deutSCHule in Berlin.
The third and final reason for attending the German grammar course in Berlin is as follows:
- Because you meet other grammar and writing nerds in the course.
No one who has ever spent an afternoon in Berlin with real grammar and writing nerds over coffee and cake can deny that this is precisely one of the five or ten things that everyone should have done once in their life. It might, in fact, be the very best reason to take part in the Grammar and Writing course at the deutSCHule in Berlin!
3. German grammar is boring.
A myth.
Berlin is a fascinating metropolis which, undergoing rapid transformation, seems to change skin almost daily, like a snake that has grown too big. With this in mind, one might well ask oneself: isn’t the German grammar course in Berlin much too boring to spend money on?
The answer to that can only be: not at all! That a German grammar course or a course in the German written expression is boring is nothing but a myth; a story told to children in Berlin and elsewhere to entertain them or perhaps frighten them a little.
First of all, what you learn in the German grammar course at the deutSCHule in Berlin is useful. Who would deny that a class in which you learn to break down a German sentence into its constituent parts helps you in many situations? Sentence element analysis is obviously something that all German learners should master. And who wouldn’t admit that a special course in Berlin, in which you can improve your German written expression, teaches you things that you will one day need? Let’s learn for life and not for school!
But that’s not all: the Grammar and Writing course in Berlin is also fun! No other grammar course in Berlin can put a smile on your face like the Grammar and Writing course at the deutSCHule in Neukölln. All the things you learn in the course, namely the German grammar as well as writing in German and mastering its written expression, are so fascinating that they can captivate you and tease your attention for hours – in many cases far beyond the end of our German grammar course in Berlin.
Simply put, a German course in Berlin that deals with grammar and the German sentence construction cannot be boring!
4. How much does the Berlin Grammar and Writing course cost?
So the German grammar course in Berlin might very well be worth the effort, but is that really true? Is it worth the investment? How much does this German course at the deutSCHule cost?
We can inform you about this quickly and without digression.

Get Started Today!
Take a course in a serious german language school in Berlin
Your introduction to the German language is as easy as can be: just come to us in Berlin and inform yourself without obligation. We are friendly, cosmopolitan, sensitive and only a minute away from the subway station Rathaus Neukölln. We are at your disposal daily from 9:00 to 19:00.
We are looking forward to seeing you!